Updated May 13, 2019
Pearson correlations for word use frequencies compares absolute use frequencies for words found in ALL THREE of the Subject sub-categories (excluding Basic Criteria). Results of one analysis are illustrated below.
Results are summarized below.
Comparison | Correlation | 95% CI | p-value |
Writing vs. Technical | 0.404 | 0.355 - 0.451 | 1.64e-47 |
Writing vs. Logic | 0.559 | 0.514 - 0.602 | 3.60e-79 |
Logic vs. Technical | 0.394 | 0.343 - 0.443 | 3.05e-42 |
The comparatively low correlations of word frequencies between subject categories suggests that some terms can serve as diagnostic keywords for particular subjects.
Word frequency differences between sub-categories were calculated using log-odds ratios. One example analysis is shown below.
Words identified by individual analyses were collated into two lists: highly predictive (those appearing in two comparisions) and moderately predictive (those found in one comparison).
Highly predictive Broad, broader, broadly; colloquial; language; quote, quotes, quotations; revise; tense
Moderately predictive Abstract; avoid; belongs; concise; concluding; details; formal; grammar; hypothesize; ideas; implications; importance; incorrect; informal; judgement; language; locate; methods; paraphrase; precise; read; recipe; redundant; repetitive; salinity; save; starting; style; takeaway; title; typos; voice; word; wrote
Highly predictive Average, averaged, averages; axis; bar, bars; caption, captions; deviation; figure, figures; format, formatting; graph, graphs; legend; paired; raw; represent; sd; standard; table, tables; units
Moderately predictive Chloroplast; day; df; error; label; ml; properly; stat; total
Highly predictive Connect, connection; expect, expected; relate; shelter
Moderately predictive Affecting; benefits; biological; broader; build; calculated; chloroplast; concluding; costs; density; dots; error; evolution; expand; explore; finding; fitness; gain; grow; hypothesize; ideas; implications; importance; isolated; logical; mechanisms; prediction; procedural; relative; relevance; resources; salinity; sample; selection; sodium; temp; tie; weren’t
I also tried a limited scale test of an alternative approach, using 2-word phrases (2-grams) instead of single words to classify TA comments. Lists of 2-grams and relative frequencies of appearance were calculated for TA comments in all Subject categories (Basic, Writing, Technical, Logic). N-gram lists were sorted by appearance frequencies, and truncated at a within-subject frequency of <1%, producing a starting dataset of ~550 2-grams.
All 2-grams occurring at similar rates in 3 out of 4 Subject categories were classified as too general and deleted, leaving a working dataset of ~338 2-grams (out of original 550). Remaining 2-grams were tagged as potential identifiers of 1-2 Subject areas. The individual 2-gram lists were merged back to the master set and sorted alphabetically.
The compiled set was visually scanned to identify individual 2-grams and 2-gram patterns that:
Full analysis of the dataset requires writing a coded search algorithm; for now, I am treating these results as s “proof-of-concept” demonstration only.
This is a partial list of the potentially useful 2-grams identified so far.
The tables below show observed frequencies for 9,340 TA comments coded by hand, and frequencies for the same TA comments categorized using the optimized Naive Bayes classifier without pre-screening. The far right columns are overall subject frequencies, the bottom rows, overall structure frequencies.
On average, the classifier is only 80-90% accurate for one subject sub-category or one specific comment. OVERALL though, the optimized NB classifier estimated relative frequencies of Subject subcategories very well; there was <1.5% difference in fractional frequencies between observed (hand-coded) and computationally assigned Subject sub-categories.
Overall accuracy was considerably lower for Structure sub-categories. Specifically, the NB classifier over-assigned comments to the “Copy-editing” sub-category, and under-assigned comments to the “Specifics” sub-category. Most incorrectly classified comments belonged to the “Technical” Subject sub-category. This suggest there may be specific terms present in comments within this sub-category that are problematic, and warrant further exploration.
One strategy to refine Naive Bayes was running the same classifier with different randomized datasets, then putting individual outputs side by side and assigning final categories based on most frequent classification in the set.
To test this I ran 5 Subject classifier replicates using the code in Naive_bayes_V2r_2b.rmd, with 5 different set.seed
values. The exported CSV files were combined to get a set of data with up to 5 classifier assignments for the same comment.
Using multiple randomized NB training runs does not seem to help. First, it was rare for the randomized runs to assign different incorrect classes. Second, when I compared 5 independently randomized runs by eye, incorrectly categorized items were repeatedly put into the SAME incorrect group each time. Given this, an Ensemble method of H-stacked categorical NB comparison seems unlikely to reduce overall errors in classification.
Looking at the joined data DID provide other helpful insights into the overall classification procedure though. Naive Bayes does not seem to do well with comments that:
I looked at OVERALL accuracy of NB by recreating the 2-dimensional contingency table that I made when hand-coding, and comparing it side-by-side to NB classifications. From this I gained additional insights. Results are summarized below.
OVERALL, the 2-D Naive Bayes model performed very well for classifying comment Subject. When I re-ran the full original dataset (9340 comments) through the prediction model, NB estimates for Subject were within 1.5% of my hand-scored assignments. Structure classification was not as robust. Other observations:
It appears that Subject categories are assigned mainly on the terminology used, while Structure categories are assigned based more on the sentiment and sentence structure of a comment. This suggests that a sentiment classifier or PoS tagger step needs to be added.
Based on the results outlined above, it appears that maximum classification accuracy will be a mixed vertical Ensemble method. Going forward, the working strategy will be to:
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