We classify TAs’ comments on student reports to see if and how their comments change as students get more feedback from automated system.
To build a TA comments data table, commented reports from a single semester (MS Word .docx format) are processed using R or BaSH scripts to extract relevant file data (author, ID#, etc.) and individual TA comments from the raw XML, and write the data to a single CSV file. TA comments containing multiple points or suggestions were replicated and edited to produce a working data table with only one comment per entry row.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria for assigning TA comments to categories and sub-categories were established iteratively using two training sets of 120 and 1200 comments selected randomly from the full dataset of ~11,000. Each main category (Subject, Structure, etc.) was divided into 4-8 loosely defined provisional sub-categories.Each comment from the 120-item training set was assigned to a provisional sub-category within each category.
Note: sub-categories from different main categories are not mutually exclusive; for example, if a comment is assigned to the “Writing Quality” sub-category under the “Subject” category, that comment can be assigned to any of the provisional sub-categories in “Structure,” any of the sub-categories in “Locus,” etc.
When comments could not be assigned with high confidence to a provisional sub-category, defining features of existing provisional sub-categories were refined further and, if necessary, additional provisional sub-categories established. Then the previously assigned comments were re-evaluated using the updated criteria, until all 120 comments in the training set could be assigned reliably.
Once stable sub-categories were established, examples of TA comments belonging to each sub-category were extracted from the main dataset and combined with finalized criteria to form a working code scheme. The working code scheme was tested and refined again by categorizing the second training set of 1200 comments, to produce the final coding scheme.
To score the full data table, the 1200 scored training comments were rejoined with the unscored comments, and all comments alphabetized. This distributed scored comments randomly within the larger data table, and identified comments with similar wording. This final integrated dataset was used to score the full set of TA comments.
Does the comment focus on or emphasize:
Final subject categories for comments are outlined below. Criteria for basic, technical, and writing choices are the same as used in the report grading rubric. Administrative tags used to mark comments for further processing are included in this category.
Code.Subject Term | Description |
0. Null | Used to reset a previously tagged comment |
1. Basic Criteria | Relates to 1 or more of 5 basic criteria |
2. Writing Quality | Relates to writing mechanics, quality |
3. Technical and Scientific | Relates to a technical element |
4. Logic and Thinking | Focuses on logic and argument |
5. Praise or Concern | Statements directly to student, either positive or negative. Focused on student mindset more than text. |
6. Misconduct | Focuses on plagiarism, academic misconduct issue |
7. Policy, Administrative | Reiterates a standing class or course policy |
8. No basis to judge | Cannot tell from text or context what comment means. |
9. Split | If 2+ comments are together, duplicate line, split it, then annotate |
10. Check Context | Go back and look at original document, then re-code |
11. Flag | Comment is not appropriate for some reason. Includes factual errors, non-standard policies, deviations from norms. |
12. Narrative Comments | Comment broadly addresses report |
13. Scientific Name | Comment specifically about use of scientific names |
14. Other | Comment does not meet any of above criteria |
0. Null is an administrative marker used to reset a comment.
1. Basic Criteria establish whether report is ready for grading, or unacceptably flawed. Comments in this category focus on the 5 basic requirements that ALL scientific writing must meet, plus the academic honesty requirement. Includes all comments about:
2. Writing Quality comments focus on written communication issues, including general conventions of scientific writing as a genre. Includes all comments on:
Comments about the following belong here.
3. Technical and Scientific Issues comments focus on whether: methods are communicated clearly and correctly; data and analyses are clear, appropriate, accurate, and unbiased; and mechanics specific to technical writing and data presentation are executed correctly. Includes all comments such as:
4. Logic and Thinking comments are not part of our lab report grading model currently, but still important to assess. Comments tagged with this subject focus on: 1) quality, accuracy of claim-evidence-reasoning chain; 2) use of hypothetico-deductive reasoning model; 3) consistency of arguments with internal, external evidence. Includes all comments about:
Is the comment idiomatic or informative? Is there general or specific information contained in the comment? Is it instructional only, or does the comment foster broader thinking?
Code.Structure Term | Description |
0. Null | Used to reset a previously tagged comment |
1. Pointer | Simple notation indicating an error |
2. Copy Correction | Simple instructions for single correction |
3. General info | Provides general instructions |
4. Specific info | Provides specific instructions |
5. Rationale | Comment contains process info only |
6. Holistic | Comment has both content and process info |
7. Idiomatic | Comment does not match standard requirements |
8. No basis to judge | Not enough information to categorize |
1. Pointer is simple notation indicating there is an error, or that a correction is needed. Includes comments like:
2. Copy correction comments provide specific instructions for correcting or modifying copy in ONE SPECIFIC location, but do not address the logic or reason. Includes comments like:
3. General info comments share GENERAL instructions or knowledge, but have no guidance on where specific changes are needed or how to apply, and offer no underlying rationale. Includes comments like:
4. Specific info comments provide SPECIFIC corrective info/context, but lack a starting point for broader thinking. Includes comments like:
5. Rationale comments are a question or statement that prompts for, points to, or guides thinking, but lacks any context. Uncommon. Includes comments like:
6. Holistic comments have BOTH specific knowledge/info and guidance/rationale that invites thinking. Specific comments provide both sources for information (what) plus invitation to think (why) in combination. General comments have BOTH general knowledge/info and guidance/rationale. More open ended, will require deeper thought. (General information to guide thought (what) plus invitation to think (why)). Expect these to be most challenging to write and to respond to. Includes comments like:
A comment needs to have BOTH information and process (what and why) to be holistic.
Process (“why” or “thinking” part) | ||
Amt. Info Provided | Absent | Present |
Limited or None | Idiomatic, Pointer, Null | Rationale |
General | General info | Holistic - general |
Specific | Specific info | Holistic - specific |
7. Idiomatic comments point out discipline-dependent or personally idiomatic issues we do not grade on. Includes personal preferences, outlier issues, comments about italics, underlines, etc. Includes comments like:
Original TA comment:
Ah, so it didn’t move directly towards the Physarum. Here it’s important to make that distinction in how you took measurements in your methods section. Did you go based on leading edge? If so, this data point would probably be inconclusive in the results section. Did you go based on a central axis upon which you took measurements? Instead, that’d be different.
There are two questions in the comment, which suggests that it is a holistic comment to pull knowledge out through thinking. The comment provides some interpretation in the next sentence, but is not just prescriptive. This comment is seeking or providing specific information, while also directly asking student to engage in deeper thinking. It would be tagged as “Holistic.”
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